Education & Awareness

World Book Day

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Ten books related to Malay medical manuscripts were handed to the Library of IIUM Kuantan campus by the Flagship on Wednesday, 21st April 2021. One of the books, ‘Buku Panduan Mengkaji Perubatan Melayu’, was the product of a collaboration between the Flagship and Akademi Jawi Malaysia for a massive project of ‘Projek Gotong-royong Merumikan Manuskrip Perubatan Melayu Sempena PKP 2.0’.
According to the library, they are really keen to increase the library’s book collection but the issue is always the financial strength. And the victims are the students, from all walks of life, who cannot get enough references for their studies. What’s the meaning of celebrating World Book Day if we have loads of books but not the genres that we need to increase our knowledge?

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